Our im­pacts

For more than 25 years, GIZ Proklima has been at the forefront of ozone and climate protection, contributing significantly to advancing Green Cooling worldwide. Supported by the German government and other donors, the programme offers comprehensive policy advice, capacity building and technology transfer across more than 50 countries. And it’s worth it: our projects have achieved remarkable emission reductions while catalysing tangible improvements for people, such as access to cooling or enhanced income opportunities.  

Pro­kli­ma Im­pact Fi­gu­res

More than 340 projects implemented in 60 countries worldwide.

More than 120 million tons of CO2-equivalents saved. That's about the yearly emissions of 32 coal-fired power plants!
More than 600,000 refrigeration and air conditioning technicians trained in the use of natural refrigerants.
100% of refrigerators in the EU and 70% worldwide run with future-friendly natural refrigerants. All started with the Greenfreeze (opens in a new window).

Pro­kli­ma Im­pact Sto­ries

Let us give the word to people in our project countries.

Learn more about Alimata

"As refrigeration technicians, we contribute to environmental pollution and global warming", explains Alimata COULIBALY KINDO, trainer in refrigeration and air conditioning . Her sector is responsible for around 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions. These emissions are caused by the high electricity consumption of the appliances and the high global warming potential of the refrigerants in use. In October 2022, Ms Coulibaly took part in our Cool Training. "In the GIZ Cool Training, I learnt how to use natural refrigerants to reduce pollution and save energy."
One year later, she says that she uses the content of the training in her lessons. She says: "Other generations will come after us. So we are all called upon to protect this planet!"

The project "Climate and Ozone Friendly Cooling in West and Central Africa (ROCA)" has trained more than 150 instructors in its project countries Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Mali and Senegal. In Burkina Faso alone, those trainers have teached over 2 700 students in 2023.


Country: Burkina Faso

Project: ROCA (opens in a new window)

Donors: European Union, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

Listen to Alimata and other Cool Training participants who explain the advantages of natural refrigerants:

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Learn more about Simplice

Simplice Tirogo is a nurse and head of the centre for health care and social support in Tovor, Burkina Faso. The project 'Ozone and Climate Friendly Cooling in West and Central Africa (ROCA)' supported his health care centre with a vaccine refrigerator in 2023. "Our refrigerator was broken since 2020, so the vaccines had to be stored in a neighbouring village. Each time, we had to travel 15 km to bring back the vaccines in a transport box that lasted cold during only a day or two. That means, the cold chain was not sufficient and many vaccines spoiled", explains Simplice Tirogo. "Since we received the refrigerator, we can store the vaccines and keep them fresh on site. We can now instantly immunise the pregnant women and the children who come here and whose vaccinations had to be postponed before. This is very satisfying. I thank all partners who made this possible."

During the first year after the acquisition, 11 000 persons profited from vaccinations in Tovor and in nine other newly equipped health care centres. The new refrigerators are even more climate-friendly than the previous ones: they are very energy-efficient and run on the natural refrigerant isobutane (R600a). The necessary electricity comes from solar panels. 


Country: Burkina Faso

Project: ROCA (opens in a new window)

Donors: European Union, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

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